Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hell's Kitchen, football, and other thoughts

I'm a little late to the party but I have begun watching Hell's Kitchen with this season.  I worked with someone who loved the show and she had encouraged me to watch it.  I'd tuned in a couple of times but never watched consistently.  I was looking for something new to watch on Tuesday nights now that Glee is over until fall and decided I'd give it a try again.  Of course, I wonder why they have to speak the way they do.  Tonight's episode is for service to children, yet all of the comments in the kitchen require the bleep and blur treatment, repeatedly and with alarming frequency.  I only hope the children in the dining room are shielded somehow from the expletives.  Uh-oh, just as I wrote this there was an incident where Ramsay had to remind someone not to swear in front of the children.  Question answered.  Ouch.

Evidently Ramsay was also a football player - we call it soccer here LOL.  One of the teams won a reward where they went to a British pub and saw a picture of him in his uniform.  I love soccer, love watching it, loved refereeing it back in the day...  Tomorrow I'll be watching and cheering for Team USA to advance out of group play in the World Cup tournament.  Hopefully they will play well against the Algerians and win the game decidedly.

Things I'm thankful for today: clean sheets and a washer and dryer to do them with.  We're having some friends visit this weekend and to prepare I decided to wash all of the sheets, comforters, etc. in the guest room and Matt's room.  Matt has a double bed so he will be occupying the guest room and Wendy and Chris will be in Matt's room.  Since Matt is off visiting his cousins I was able to get the sheets done well in advance.  Whew.  So that's completed, and plenty of time to plan the menu for the weekend.  Our friends are picky (well, more picky than I'm used to) so I will need to plan carefully to ensure that I don't pick items that they dislike.  I'm really looking forward to their visit.

In closing, go USA!!!!!!  Let's win this and advance out of group play!!