Monday, June 21, 2010

Intermission interrupted

I established a blog nearly 3 years ago, posted twice, and abandoned the blog.  In the interim, I've considered restarting it several times, and then life got in the way.  Truthfully, I didn't make time.  I've never been much of a journaler.  I was the kid that always wanted a diary, put it into a safe hiding place, and wrote in it faithfully for 3-4 days max. 

Lately, I've been thinking that I'd enjoy blogging again, so I'm going to try to post something every day.  I can't guarantee that it will be very clever.  I have no commercial purpose for this.  Despite the title, it probably won't have very much of a stamping focus.  Oh, I'm not saying that I won't ever talk about stamping.  I still enjoy stamping very much, and I do spend time reading stamping blogs for the eye candy.  I'm eagerly awaiting my first look at the new SU! catalog.

However, my life is about more than stamping.  I'm going to be real and say that stamping has been a tremendous blessing (providing me online and in person friends that I didn't have before).  It's also been a burden due to some undisciplined spending on my part.  I have to forgive myself for that, and move on.  So in my blog I'll be focusing on things I enjoy, things I'm thankful for, and things that challenge me.  It won't all be sweet and lovely.  I will strive to be real, authentic, and transparent. 

I can't think how to transition into this, but here goes:  I should never watch Food Network's Best Thing I Ever Ate.  I love watching it, love it.  But seriously, it's like food p*rn.  I end up craving whatever is their theme of the day.  For example, today is "Sweet Tooth".  I don't eat a lot of sweets.  I've acquired my overweight due to just eating too much and not exercising enough.  I tend to overeat meat, potatoes and the savory.  Sweets don't tempt me as much.  Put me in front of a tray of gorgeous chocolate cupcakes, I'll eat one.  Put me in front of savory snacks, even if they're not so tasty or special, and I still will eat... and eat.  Today's episode has me just wishing I could lick my TV screen.  Is that wrong?  LOL

Well, I guess I should wrap up this post.  I like to end my day by thinking of things that I am thankful for.  Sometimes they're big things, sometimes small - of course they are all blessings from the Lord, who lavishes so much on us every single day that it's impossible to enumerate them all.  This weekend we attended my niece Amanda's graduation party.  It was such fun gathering with family and friends to celebrate.  It made for a busy weekend, but lots of fun.  Thank you, God, for family, friends and good times.

Until next time, cheers!